Hello World!

Welcome to the home of the Pixel Rebels podcast! Now you may be wondering to yourself, "What is Pixel Rebels exactly?", and the answer is simple. Pixel Rebels is dedicated to making the world of video games fun again. That's not to stay it hasn't, but the time to get some fresh takes has arrived. 

I'm not a professional, nor do I claim to be - but I have played A LOT of video games. The same goes for my wonderful co-host and guests. We're in touch with what's happening in the world of games. We're not afraid to speak our minds or be held back by a certain topic. 

In addition to the podcast, there will be news and other fun stuff that will be a part of this website. With that being said, our first episode should be dropping fairly soon with a couple more to follow after. Stick around, we're doing great things over here!
